Monday, March 10, 2008

Hello everyone ,

My Name is Zahra , I'm 19 years old . I'm a student in CEP, Kuwait University . This's my first semester , but I'm planning to major in petroleum Engineering next year. I choosed this major because I'm interested in Petroleum studies . My dream in life is to be successful and have a good and useful role in society . I just wanna let my parents be proud of me . :)

1 comment:

Buthaina Alothman said...

Thanks, Azahra for your good work. Your blog looks very nice and I'm sure your parents will always be proud of you. I wish you all the best of good luck.

Please note, the following mistakes were noticed in your post:

"This's my first semester" = "This is my first semester". This + is cannot be contracted.

"I choosed this major" = "I chose OR I have chosen this major". Choose is an irregular verb that doesn't end with ed. Please see page 13 in the WB.

Thank you!